TMO Reports - Survey: Apple Employees Remain Optimistic; "Laid Back and Informal" Company

by , 12:40 AM EDT, May 26th, 2005

Employees at Apple Computer are "optimistic" about the company's future, but concerned over "micromanagement and excessive turnover," an employee survey by the New York research firm Vault has revealed.

The report is a series of employee surveys to give investors and jobseekers insight into the company's business operations. The bottom line of the company's findings: "The business of the company is doing great especially with the iPod and their innovative designs. However, just as any large corporation the large scale structure, the organization gets lost at the lower levels. The micromanagement needs to be but to a minimum and something needs to be done to increase retention and lower the turnover rate which is substantial."

A project manager at Apple told Vault, "Apple has its challenges for market share, and will never compete directly with Dell or HP. Instead, the focus is on creativity and the Digital Hub. Products such as the iPod are keeping us profitable during the economic downturn. If Apple continues to develop innovative and quality products like the iPod, then the long term picture should be secure."

Another project manager said, "Apple today is just like any other conservative company...This should be a good year for Apple, but it will not reflect in my salary or any kind of bonus I dream of receiving."

From the survey results provided to the news media, it appeared many project managers, senior managers and administrators agreed that the corporate culture of Apple was "laid back and informal."

One un-named account executive commented that "middle management has a very high turnover. There is far too much micromanagement." Another said Apple works "their employees to the bone," while a project manager commented, "Morale is low right now, as raises have been on hold for almost 2 years."