EUCLIB Releases C++ 2D Graphics Library for Mac OS X

by , 12:00 AM EDT, August 21st, 2007

EUCLIB released its EUCLIB C++ 2D geometry library on Monday. The highly optimized library contains over 500 functions and and is compatible with Objective-C.

According to EUCLID, the C++ library is ideal for the development of computer graphics, Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer Aided Machining (CAM), robotics, cinematic development, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), medical imaging, image processing and haptics.

The entities included are points, vectors, lines, segments, circles, arcs, bounds, quadratic and cubic Bezier curves. Each entity can do operations such as distance, barycenter, intersection, projection, length, polygonization, simplification, parametric point, parametric evaluation reversing and more.

The transformation entity supports operations such as: scale, translate, rotate, reflection and shear and every combination of them that can be applied to all euclid geometry types.

Euclib C++ Geometry Library is available for Mac OS X 10.4 as well as Windows. The library is compatible with Objective-C development. Each library is priced at US$300.00 or $400.00 for both. The price includes one year of e-mail support. There are no royalty fees on the generated code.