"I'm a PC" John Hodgman Quizzed on Microsoft History

by , 5:00 PM EST, November 3rd, 2008

Fans of NPR's Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me! radio game show were treated to an appearance this weekend by John Hodgman, the "PC" of Apple's "Get a Mac" television commercials. Mr. Hodgman was on the show promoting his new book, More Information Than You Require, but the bulk of his 11 minute segment on the show was centered around his role in Apple's ads, including a quiz on the history of Microsoft.

Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me! is a news quiz show with a comedic angle on NPR where a panel, guest stars, and call-in guests are quizzes on various aspects of recent news, much of it political in nature. During Mr. Hodgman's segment, he was asked to play a game the show called, "So you're a PC, huh? We'll see about that."

"So you play a PC in the commercial," host Peter Sagal joked by way of introduction, "but we've been watching them a while, and we are beginning to suspect that you're not really a PC at all. In fact, we think you are are instead a cruel parody of the machine as created by its enemies."

John Hodgman in an Apple
"Get a Mac" commercia.

Mr. Hodgman was then asked three obscure questions about Microsoft's history going back tot he mid-70s. If he got two of them correct, a listener (Ron Blackmoor of Madison New York) would get voiceover icon Carl Kassell's voice on his home answering machine (one of the principal audience-lures the show uses).

The first multiple choice question was about Microsoft's first advertising effort in 1976. Mr. Hodgman guesses wrongly on this one, but the correct answer is that the company ran an ad in Digital Design that was a four panel comic strip called "The Legend of the Micro Kid." Listen to the broadcast for details on this campaign.

He was then asked which of three choices was a Microsoft mascot, and guessed correctly that Big Redmond had a character called "The Blibbet." His other choices were The Exploding Head and The All-Seeing Eye.

The third question centered around Apple's pricing of the original Apple I computer, US$666.66, a fact that Mr. Hodgman knew. When asked how he knew, Mr. Hodgman deadpanned, "I don't wish to brag, but I am very intelligent," a quip that got a big audience laugh.

In any event, Mr. Blackmoor will soon have Carl Kassell's voice on his home machine thanks to Mr. Hodgman's geeky knowledge about Microsoft's beginnings, and Apple got most of an 11 minute segment on a nationally-syndicated radio show dedicated to Apple, the Mac, Apple advertising, and other Apple-related things.

You can also listen to Wait Wai...Don't Tell Me! on iTunes as a free podcast (thanks Geoduck!).