Welcome To The New Wave Of Mac Naysayers!
December 21st, 1999

Advocating the Macintosh among PC users is tough, or so I thought. I found out lately that there is something even worse than a PC user, a former Mac user.

This phenomenon hit me in the face in e-mail (mostly) and also on a few Web sites. It seems that former Mac users who switched to PCs offers even worse anti-Mac arguments than a PC user whose ignorance of the Mac is flagrant. These people will tell you the worst horror stories they can possibly think of, or explain how they were blind Apple followers until they woke up.

An excellent example is the Average Joe on byte.com. In October, he wrote a dreaded piece (I link to him, he's harmless anyway) about his conversion to the Wintel world. Frankly, I had a good laugh when reading it. You will find out why if you read his logic! But this is nothing. Here is my favorite part on the second page of his editorial, where he discusses support issues and escalates his point into a platform choice:

"My excuses and rationalizations stopped in October, 1997 [...] I switched to Windows in November, 1997 and haven't bought an Apple product since. And all my friends who bought Mac? As they have needed new machines, I have switched them to Wintel. About 100 of the people I've helped over the years have changed to Windows now. Not one regrets it."

Congratulations, buddy! You left the bandwagon barely after Steve Jobs got in and started the comeback! Your incredible insight gave you the perfect timing to leave just when the messiah saved Apple! Oh man!

And by the way, don't forget that the enlightened Joe made "a couple of hundred people" switch to Windows PCs just like you and I snap fingers. I tell you, this guy is good.

Now back to my Inbox. I have received a lot of messages from former Mac users or believers who saw the light (I even replied to one of them from Steve Klingsporn) and now view the Mac in the most negative way. Steve is a very good example, maybe even an icon for that matter. He was given the occasion to voice his ideas at osOpinion.com. If you visit the link, you can find out by yourself about this guy's viewpoint.

What annoys me with Steve's (and the above-mentioned Joe's) way to confront us is this: being a former Apple Computer customer becomes an argument in and of itself. These people tell us "I've been with you, therefore I know what I am talking about" as if being a former Mac user makes their arguments right. Hello? Just because you gave up on the Mac does not make you right when you bash it! Especially not, if like the Average Joe, you gave it up exactly when it was getting on the right path!

A former Mac user does indeed know how a Mac works, unlike the PC user who has never touched anything other than a Wintel box. But a former Mac head isn't right just because of his status. Otherwise, all kinds of hilarious points should get across without being questioned.

Please, don't make us all laugh. If you are a former Mac user, come up with interesting arguments. Don't just use your past experience to tell us "been there, done that, can't be wrong."

Maybe arguing with a PC user is not that bad after all.

Your comments are welcomed.