This Story Posted:
April 13th


[2:09 PM]
More Information On Banana And Cherry iMacs
Observers have been reporting in about Banana and Cherry iMacs [also this follow-up story]. Rajah wrote in with the following:

I'm sure you've already heard about it but the "Like a Rainbow" iMac ad featuring the Rolling Stone's song came on last night during ESPN's Sportcenter (11:47pm EST) and lo and behold not a Tangerine iMac in sight...


More direct evidence comes to us from Phil [Last Name held to protect his identity]. Unfortunately Phil says he has seen the new shipment and says there is no new color included.

I just saw some 333mhz iMacs and they have the same colors. Tangerine and Strawberry have NOT been replaced by Banana and Cherry.


Thanks to both of you and the other Observers who have written in on this.

The Mac Observer Spin: We are sure that Phil is correct on what he saw, but we are also sure that at some point Apple will introduce Banana and Cherry iMacs to replace Tangerine and Strawberry units. It may not be in the initial shipment of 333 MHz machines, but it will happen relatively soon. Naysayers are invited, however, to prepare their eggs for applying them to our faces in case we are wrong. :-)
