This Story Posted:
April 23rd


[3:51 PM]
Apple's Stock Continues Climb, Hits 10 Week High
Surprisingly, Apple's stock continued its upward climb that began yesterday with a 5.82% increase. Today Apple's stock closed at 39 3/16, the first time the stock has closed about 39 since February 11th of this year, over 10 weeks ago. Combined, Apple's stock has risen 13.55% during the last two days.

The stock climbed as the rest of the tech sector enjoyed a rebound based on excellent quarterly returns announced yesterday by IBM. Positive words from Kevin Prigel who offered 7 Reason's to Buy Apple in this article are also helping [Editor's Note: Thanks to Applelinks for pointing us to that story.] We suggest you read that story, it is very entertaining.

Mr. Prigel uses a Dell and continues to do so, but he is about to buy some AAPL just the same.

This follows words from a Wall Street Money Manager who said that Apple's stock was "under appreciated" earlier this week.

The Mac Observer Spin: Expect more of this to happen during the next few weeks as other non-Mac using analysts start realizing that Apple's comeback is for real. If you don't already, you may want to consider buying some AAPL yourself. :-)
