December 9th, 1999

[5:00 PM] Mac OS 9.0 Mods: We're Not Talking Vespas & Parkas Here
by Staff

Jonathan Jacobs has released a set of OS 9 "mods" which change some of the functionality of your computer at the system resource level. By using Apple's Res Edit (NOT recommended by The Mac Observer unless you know what you are doing or are very brave) to add functionality to menus, change the name of the trash can, help maximize screen realesate, and a host of others. According to Mr. Jacob:

Mac OS 9.0 mods: NEW! A bit more has changed since the last time. The "Mac OS 9" in the startup picture is recolored, as well as in the "About This Computer" window. There is now a "SIZE" resource to give the Finder a bit more memory to work in. NEW: Change/remove the "Logout" key when in Multi-User mode. NEW2: Restored ability to "Windowshade" Sherlock 2 and QuickTime Player windows. NEW3: Remote Access' automatic connection window can now be sent to the background, letting other applications work in the foreground.

There is no information page, but you can download the OS 9 mods if you would like to give them a try.