December 16th, 1999

[8:00 AM] Back Up Your Critical Files During Y2K With Online Service
by Staff

Synectics Business Solutions, Inc. today announced an updated storage scheme for their BackJack Online backup and storage system. This new feature allows Mac users an opportunity to store files over the new year, and thus avoid any Millennium worries regarding crucial file integrity. According to Synectics:

Synectics Business Solutions, Inc. today released a new short-term storage plan called the 'Millennium Plan' for its online backup and recovery service, BackJack. BackJack is a Mac-only online backup solution which enables users to get their critical files backed up and offsite - automatically, securely and cost effectively. Launched in early 1998, BackJack continues to be the only complete service of its kind.

BackJack's Millennium Plan was launched in response to Mac users interested in a short-term method of ensuring their critical files are backed up and safe as the transition into the Year 2000 approaches. "We've seen an increase in the number of requests that have come our way regarding such a option", says President, Christopher Brown - "a simple method of getting critical information offsite temporarily without having to put a lot of money or effort into the process". The BackJack Millennium Plan will do just that by providing users with a time limited account duringwhich time they can back up their information to a secure location. After the account ends, users are welcome to continue on with the service by subscribing to one of BackJack's full service plans.

The Millenium Plan is available for US$10 for 100MB of storage. You can find more information at the Synectics Business Solutions web site.

Synectics Business Solutions, Inc.