This Story Posted:
July 8th, 1999


[7:30 AM]
A Better Finder Attributes Updated With New Feature
Frank Reiff Software has announced another update in their A Better Finder series, this time A Better Finder Attributes gets the call. The new version brings a new feature to this contextual menu plugin that allows file attributes to be easily changed. According to Frank Reiff Software:

This version introduces the creation of "droplet" mini-applications, which can be used to automate frequent tasks.

"A Better Finder Attributes" is a contextual menu plugin for the Macintosh Finder, which allows users to quickly change attributes such as creation and modification dates as well as the Finder flags of single or multiple files or folders. Up to now changing these attributes meant "hacking" them individually in ResEdit.

You can find more information on A Better Finder Attributes at the company's web site. The update is free to registered users while the full version is priced at US$10.

A Better Finder Attributes