October 26th, 1999

[5:45 PM] Observer Call: Apple's PR Firm Seeking "Non-Typical" iBook User, Quick!

Apple's external PR agency, Edelman Wordlwide, sent us a note saying they are looking for a non-typical iBook user for Business Week to use in an article. Unfortunately, in our quest to bring you the latest and greatest Mac news, we are precluded from meeting outisde people (just kidding). We are therefore turning this over to the best source we have found for help like this, you. According to Edelman Worldwide:

A Business Week reporter recently asked me to help him find an iBook user "who cuts away from the type (demographically) we associate with Apple," i.e., a college student or graphics artist. He has a finance man in mind, someone who wears a conservative suit to work, but carries a colorful iBook. This is for inclusion in a sidebar article in the upcoming computer buying guide issue.

So do you know the right person that meets this description? If so, email us at [email protected], or e-mail Robert Carpio of Edleman Worldwide directly.

The Mac Observer Spin: From the description, it would seem that this article will be good publicity for Apple. You can't buy the kind of publicity that a major article in a mainstream print magazine like Business Week can provide. What's good for Apple is great for the Mac market (most of the time at least), so rack your brains for the perfect iBook user!

Apple - Edelman Worldwide