TMO Quick Tip - Consolidating iTunes Libraries

by , 7:30 AM EDT, October 27th, 2006

Not everyone has the luxury of nearly limitless storage space for their iTunes library, and even if you do, it's kind of tough to cart around terabytes of storage when your primary computer is a laptop. Thanks to iTunes 7's Consolidate Library feature, you can add music and videos to iTunes even when your music library hard drive isn't available.

Let's say, for example, you use a MacBook Pro, and your iTunes library lives on a large external hard drive that stays behind when you travel. While you are out and about, you add a new CD you just bought to your iTunes library. Now you have two libraries: One on the hard drive that stays on your desk, and another on your MacBook Pro's built-in hard drive.

When you get back to your desk, here's what to do:

Putting your iTunes libraries back together.

iTunes 7 will move the library from your MacBook Pro and add it to the library on your external hard drive.

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