3D Vendors Flock To Support uDevGame 2003 Contest

The uDevGame contest, which starts today, has received an outpouring of support from vendors of 3D-related products. Companies like ATi, Strata Software, and Eovia have dedicated support to iDevGamesi annual game design contest. From iDevGames:

uDevGame 2003, the Mac Game Development Contest, will start on August 4th, and support from leading 3D companies in this yearis contest has been tremendous. We plan to give away copies of Curious Labsi Poser 5, e-on softwareis Vue diEsprit 4, MAXON Computer, Inc.is BodyPaint 3D, ATI graphics cards, Pixels Digital, Inc.is PiXELS 3D, Codenauticsis Meshwork, Strata Softwareis Strata 3Dpro, Eoviais Carrara Studio, Pixologicis Zbrush, and GarageGamesi Torque 3D/Game Engine. A real whois-who of 3D software(hardware) on the Mac!

So far we have over 40 sponsors in all (and climbing each day!). Interested artists and designers should go to our forum (www.idevgames.com/forum) and partner with a game programmer to enter the contest. We are still welcoming sponsors for uDevGame 2003. Interested 3D/Design/CAD software or hardware vendors should check out the sponsorship form.

You can find more information at iDevGamesi Web site. In addition, The Gamesome Mac will be broadcasting the kickoff of the uDevGame contest today at 6-8PM Pacific, 9-11PM Eastern.