ABF Select 3.4 Updated With Improved UI

PUBLICSPACE.NET has released an update for A Better Finder Select, bringing it to version 3.4. A Better Finder Select is a contextual menu plug-in for the Mac Finder which allows users the ability to filter file selections. The update features an improved UI and folder enhancements. According to PUBLICSPACE.NET:

PUBLICSPACE.NET is pleased to announce version 3.4 of its "A Better Finder Select" Macintosh Finder enhancement.

A Better Finder Select is a contextual menu plugin for the Macintosh Finder that allows power users to filter file selections based on a range of criteria.

This new version adds the following features:

  • select files and folders in subfolders when acting as a gateway to A Better Finder Rename, Attributes
  • improved look & feel
  • ability to create file lists in the A Better Finder Rename format
  • select only folder
  • select only files
  • select files and folders

You can find more information about the A Better Finder Select update at the PUBLICSPACE.NET Web site. A Better Finder Select 3.4 is free for registered users, whiue the full version available for US$9.95.