Apple Forms New iPod Division, Organizes Macintosh Division

A pple has formed a new division within the company dedicated to the iPod. Reuters is reporting that the new division will be headed by Jon Rubinstein, former Senior Vice President of Hardware Engineering for Apple, while Timothy Cook, former Executive Vice President of Worldwide Sales and Operations, will head the Macintosh division. From Reuters:

Jon Rubinstein, who has led the Cupertino, California-based companyis hardware engineering efforts, will run the new division, an Apple spokesman said.

Timothy Cook, head of Appleis worldwide sales and operations, will lead a newly organized Macintosh division, Apple said. Tim Bucher, now in charge of Macintosh system development, will head up the Macis hardware engineering.


"This organizational refinement will focus our talent and resources even more precisely on our industry-leading Macintosh computers and the wildly successful iPod," the spokesman said.

Thereis more information in the full article, which is being hosted by the New York Times (free registration required).