Aternative HTML Editing Program Updated

Optima Systems has updated their simple, yet powerful HTML editor, PageSpinner, to version 3.0.2. PageSpinner allows users to easily create dynamic web sites by offering CSS support, as well as a convenient WYSIWYG editor. The new version also includes a set of extensions for publishing data from FileMaker databases. According to Optima Systems:

OPTIMA SYSTEM, Stockholm, Sweden - November 28, 2000 - Today Optima System released version 3.0.2 of PageSpinner and announced the availability of Peteris CDML Tags for PageSpinner, a collection of PageSpinner menu extensions for publishing data from FileMaker Pro.

PageSpinner 3.0.2 can automatically create links to MP3, QuickTime, SIT, ZIP and HQX files, adds support for CSS Span tags, has more flexible windows handling, improves the Text menu, provides bug fixes, and more.

Also available is Peteris CDML Tags for PageSpinner, a user-submitted collection of PageSpinner menu extensions for working with FileMakeris CDML tags in HTML documents.

PageSpinner is available for US$29.95. You can find more information on the latest update at the Optima Systems web site.