Attendees Impressed With 'Apple Experience'

NEW YORK, NY -- Attendees to this weekis DV Expo East at the Javits Convention Center in New York City are being wooed and wowed by Apple Computer and its suite of professional video hardware and software products. From what visitors to the Mac-makers booth are saying, many are finding out for the first time that Appleis solutions might be what they are looking for.

"Iim a diehard Windows user, but Iim impressed with how Macs work, the ease of use of their video solutions and the price," said Malcolm Hall, a freelance video producer from Boston, Mass. "I had always heard good things about Mac products, but that they didnit have a wide variety of software and their computes were too expensive. But I like their video software products after seeing a hands-on demo. I think I might buy a Mac for the software alone."

Mr. Hall spoke for many interviewed by The Mac Observer, who commented that any reservations they had about Mac pricing and software choices were extinguished by the features and ease of use of Apple video software solutions.

"Final Cut Pro is getting better and better," said Stephanie Clayton of New York. "Iive used it for about two years and Iim impressed at how they listen to the community and keep adding features without raising the price."

Ms. Clayton brought along two friends who she works with at a small video post-production company. Both of them have been Mac users for less than a year, but are readying to take the plunge and buy their own systems for home.

"Iim ready to buy and Iill start out using Final Cut Express," said Barbara Amour of New York. "As for hardware, Iill break my bank account, but I want a 21-inch flat-panel (display) and a dual G5 system."

But it was the die hard Windows users who visited the Apple booth who were they toughest sell. They wanted answers to how they migrate from the thousands of dollars theyive already spent on video production equipment to new OS X-based systems.

"Youive got to really impress me that itis worth the switch," commented Martin Weise, who owns a pre and post-production house in Connecticut. "Iim impressed with their products and the power of Final Cut pro (HD) and Motion!, but Iive got to consider the cost of re-training my people. Thatis not cheap and it means weive got a learning curve that I canit let stop my jobs for clients."

Mr. Weise was happy to see Apple offering third-party certified training. "You donit get that with other solutions, or at least not as complete for a good price."

"Iim impressed with what Iive seen, but convincing my bosses to switch out 50 systems is not easy," said Tim McGwire of Washington, DC, who manages a video production house. "If we switched to Mac, it wouldnit happen overnight. It would happen in stages so we felt comfortable. But, Iive got to convince them this switch is better in the long run. Iill have to put on my salesman hat soon and sell it."

The hourly, hands-on seminars performed at Appleis booth helped to sell many who had never either seen a Mac, touched one, or used the companyis video software. Almost all sessions were standing room only at Appleis booth, which was the first booth all attendees saw at the front of the exhibit hall.

"This is a great idea to show me the product with my own two hands," said Kelly Brown of Hartford, Conn. "Iive learned a lot more today than I ever knew about Macs and Iim ready to buy."