August 18th, 2000

There are lots of great articles, and some really bad ones, on the Internet. Though we link to all of them at MacOS News Around The Web, some of them deserve special mention here. Most of what we will mention within these pages will be among the best, but on occasion we will talk about articles that are so bad or so wrong we just have to say something. Consider them mini-editorials on our part about things we think you might also be interested in.

Best [11:40 AM] MacInStart: The MHz Gap: Can We Stem the Red Tide of Intellismis
David Chilstrom offers an entertaining look at the processor wars that Motorola is losing so badly to Intel and AMD. Beneath his humorous comments lies thoughts that actually hit at the heart of the way many people actually think of this issue. Our favorite quote from this piece:

Now, youive got the oddball columnist like David Pogue who thinks that the chips are fast enough. Dave has this well-intentioned, but goofy idea, that smarter software is the key to real speed increases that will benefit all users, not just the power elite. Pogue gives as examples the auto-fill capability of Internet Explorer and various applications that speed up the startup process for the Mac. But donit you be fooled by his siren song, buddy boy. Speed up software and not the hardware? No sirree Billy Bob. What we need is even more porcine software that does a gazillion unnecessary calculations so that we can cost justify that little GHz beauty.

A very good read. Reviewer - Bryan Chaffin

Best [11:40 AM] The Register UK: Andy Hertzfeld Part II - Microsoft, Aqua and greed
Andy Hertzfeld is a legend in Mac circles for his work with the Mac. The Register UK got an opportunity to speak to him at Linux World. Mr. Hertzfeld has comments about Bill Gates and Aqua, and we think it is very interesting. Our favorite quote from this piece:

"Itis fascinating," he thinks. "Some things are horrendous and some things are terrific." Like what exactly? Well, putting the Apple logo in the middle of each windowis title bar incurred Andyis wrath. Itis redundant he says, and confusing too, describing it as "just pure hubris" and "pathological."

A very, very good read. Reviewer - Bryan Chaffin

You can find these links, and lots of other links for Mac and Tech Industry stories, at MacOS News Around The Web.