BBC's Click Online Features Tiger; Asks Users Their Opinion

The latest edition of the British Broadcasting Companyis Click Online technology program features an in-depth look at Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger and asks early adopters to give their opinions online.

In an interview with Apple senior marketing manager Brian Croll, Click Online host Stephen Cole showed some of the 200 new features in Tiger, including Spotlight and Dashboard.

The program is available in streaming format on the Click Online Web site.

In the end, the program acknowledged that "Tiger is full of delightful aesthetic touches," but questioned "whether will be enough to persuade PC users to come into the Mac fold?"

In association with the Click Online feature, the BBC Web site is asking users of Tiger to give their opinions on the newest version of the Mac OS. Readers are being asked if they have switched to Tiger, is it worth the upgrade, and how does it compare to other operating systems?

Early responses were primarily positive, but some questioned the price while others said they have suffered from early conflicts and crashes.