Business 2.0 Journalist Switches From PC To Mac

W e noted today that a Business 2.0 journalist has written a short piece today about Switching to the Mac. Shoshana Berger, the editor of ReadyMade magazine, "the quarterly magazine for people who like to make stuff," penned the article, which appeared as Business 2.0is Gizmo Weekly feature. In that article, Ms. Berger has some glowing things to say about Switching, and her TiBook. From the article:

I switched. No, Iim not friends with the creative director at Apple (AAPL), and I donit plan on being the next "reality model" to mug for an ad. I havenit used a Mac since high school, but my PC laptop just melted down after nearly five years of trusty service, so when Apple announced its new line of more robust PowerBooks and iBooks two weeks ago, I bit.

Two things help curb my anxiety about leaving the Windex transparency of Windows (Gatesis branding team landed an apt metaphor -- seeing through to the back-end guts of the computer is important to anyone who doesnit have an IT department in the living room). The first is Appleis new OS X "Jaguar," which is UNIX-based -- or so all my propeller-head friends tell me -- and is more stable and more transparent than any earlier system. The other is Move2Mac, a new switchersi software from Detto Technologies that races like a bullet train, migrating 500 megabytes of PC documents and settings to a Mac in just 15 minutes.

We feel compelled to point out that the term "window" was not invented by Microsoft, but the article is otherwise very flattering to Apple. The rest of the piece talks about the hardware, prices, and Dettois Move2Mac migration software. Check out the full article.