Kensington Helps Us Travel Back in Apple History (With Pics)

Kensington, a company that has been supporting the Apple platform since 1981 and the days of the Apple II, hosted a special display at this weekis MACWORLD Expo. The display had actual versions of both Apple computers and Kensington products that have been offered over the years. We overheard countless folks reminice when seeing actual Apple machines like an Apple //e (enhanced) an original Mac (with a whopping 128K of RAM) and the first Mac Portable. Accompanying the product display was a timeline containing major events in Apple, entertainment and world history. We invite you to peruse a photo album of select pictures from the booth. It certainly brought back some fond memories for members of our staff, many that cut their teeth on the old Apple II series and Kensington products.

We didnit include captions with these images, but thatis because almost all of them have their own captions from Kensingtonis own labels.

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