MacUpdate Promo Adds WhatSize to Core Bundle

MacUpdate has anounced that they have added an additional application, WhatSize, to the core bundle in its MacUpdate Promo, but only for the first 3,500 customers. The MacUpdate Promo bundles eight popular applications for US$64.99 and more apps become "unlocked," including Parallels Desktop, as sales milestones are reached.

"WhatSize makes it easy to see what files on your Mac are taking up all of your disk space. You can then choose to delete or move the files. WhatSize makes it easy to figure this out and keep my Mac clean of the thousands of useless files,"Joel Mueller told TMO "When we ran it in the 24-hour MUPromo, it was a huge hit. It ranked in the top 2% sellers and people raved about it in the user comments."

List of appss in the MU Promo

When sales reach 5,000 bundles, the next app, Sound Studio, will be unlocked. The MacUpdate Bundle promotion runs until April 29th.