Mandolux Posts New Desktops

Mandolux has released new desktops for download today. The desktops are images for use as the background on Macs, and represent anywhere from abstract imagery to dual monitor desktop configs. According to Mandolux:

mandolux has issued four new desktops: one Clouds & Skies, one Morning/Spring (Flower/Close-up), and two Technosis/Anthraxis (Abstract/Dual Giant).

About the desktops:

  • What was once a set of great eucalyptus trees by the freeway now lies as a field of trunks (they were butchered down so people could see a car dealership). You would think the most important place to have oodles and oodles of trees would be next to the continuously roaring freeway. Anyways, my latest desktop is a photograph of a branch with three remaining leafs dangling by the wind set against the blue Southern California sky
  • My latest Morning/Spring desktop is titled Tiger Anthers and it is an extreme close-up photo of a lilyis anthers
  • Lastly, I present you with Technosis/Anthraxis 2K4 with a giant dual monitor desktop set titled Growing Grasses. A picture of a pair of long grasses extending beyond the point of focus with shades of greens as the background. Check it out!

You can find more information about the new desktops at the Mandolux Web site. The desktops are available as free downloads.