Mozilla 1.8 Alpha1 Released Before 1.7 Final has released the first 1.8 alpha version of its cross-platform Internet software suite. Changes include a new FTP upload interface and improvements to junk mail filters. From the release notes:

  • 1.8 Alpha1 includes keyboard accessibility for the Mozilla Help window and improved keyboard accessibility for the Linux installer.
  • Find in This Page now also searches inside textarea and text input boxes.
  • Basic FTP upload UI has been added to Mozilla.
  • Intellimouse Explorer Backwards and Forwards buttons are now supported on Linux.
  • "Close Other Tabs" now has a confirmation dialog similar to closing a browser window with multiple tabs open.
  • Mozilla 1.8 Alpha1 has UI for multiple identity support.
  • Junk-mail filtering accuracy has been further improved.
  • Users now have an option to mark incoming junk mail as read.
  • Preferred mail format (plain text or HTML) is collected and remembered in the Personal Address Book.
  • The Mail window menus have been adjusted to improve usability and resizing the mail window no longer resizes the folderpane.
  • News now supports displaying the size column in KB or in Lines (via a hidden pref).
  • Server wide news filters have been implemented.
  • Addressbook auto-completion has been improved.
  • 1.8a1 fixes an issue with listboxes that caused mail to display multiple attachments incorrectly. Additionally, mail sorting scrolls to keep the currently selected message in view.

The update has been made available before Mozilla 1.7, which is currently in testing stages for its final release. 1.8 Alpha1 is a technology preview intended for developers or more advanced users interested in submitting bug reports. Users who want a more stable, well-tested version should stick with Mozilla 1.6 or the upcoming 1.7.

Mozilla 1.8 Alpha1 is available for Mac OS X, Linux and Windows at the Web site.