NYT: iPods Required in Some High School Classrooms

Publ ic school districts give their kids laptops. Duke University gives every one of its undergraduates an iPod. What next?

According to the New York Times, some high schools are requiring students to own iPods. From the article:

At the Brearley School, a private school for girls on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, where Samantha is in the eighth grade, the iPod went from a "want" to a "must have" this year when its use was incorporated into foreign-language and classics courses. For about 300 girls in grades 7 through 12, the iPod is now required to do homework and classroom assignments.

The full article goes on to explain how students use the device to record themselves speaking in foreign languages, then use it again for playback. The students also use the devices for transcribing recordings and for listening to music relevant to their studies.