No April 1 Products According to UBS

Apple is not likely to hold a special 30th anniversary event on April 1 to announce new products, according to UBS investment analyst Ben Reitzes. Instead, he expects Apple to release products in the near-term as they are ready, including an Intel-based iBook and a larger format MacBook Pro in the June quarter. A new video capable iPod, download service, and other iPod models may be coming by this fall.

Mr. Reitzes is also following Franceis pending law that will require companies to open their DRM technology to competitors. He sees the possibility of allowing the iPod to play music from non-iTunes sites as one more way to boost French iPod sales. He also notes that it is too early to make a definitive analysis, and will continue to monitor the situation.

UBS is maintaining its buy position and target value for Appleis stock at US$100, siting that potential near-term risks have already been taken into account in shares. Appleis shares slipped to close at $61.81 on Tuesday after Mr. Reitzes released his report.

Apple is currently trading in the pre-market at $62.22, up 0.41 (0.66%).

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