Q4 Financial Conference Call Webcast October 13th

A pple has announced that it will be webcasting its fiscal Q4 financial conference call. The companyis 4th quarter ends in September, and the results will be announced on Wednesday, October 13th. From Apple:

Appleis conference call webcast discussing Qtr 4 - 2004 financial results will begin at 2pm PT/5pm ET on Wednesday, October 13, 2004.

Please note that comments made during this call may include forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties, and that actual results may differ materially from these forward-looking statements. For more information on the factors that could influence results, please refer to Appleis SEC filings.

To attend the conference call, QuickTime is required. Be prepared - Get QuickTime now.

Webcast Begins:
October 13, 2004
2pm PT/5pm ET

For those who can not listen to the Webcast, The Mac Observer will be offering live coverage of the conference call, as well as detailed coverage of the companyis financial results. The webcast will be offered on a dedicated Web page at Appleis site.