Quake 3 For OS X Updated Again, Sound Issues Fixed

Fresh on the heels of releasing Quake 3 Arena 1.29f Beta for OS X, Id has issued a new 1.29 version that corrects issues with sound and framerate from the original. Many users were complaining that disabling sound, or turning the sound quality from High to Low was having an unusually dramatic effect on game play, and it seems that Id agreed. Identified simply as 1.29f-2 on the Id FTP servers, the download weighs in at just over 25MB. According to the Read Me file that comes with the new version:

Quake3 1.29f for OS X - BETA

Fixed: - slow sound


You need to drag the contents of this mount into your home directory. You MUST also put the pak0.pk3 from your Quake3 CD into the baseq3 directory, and, if you have it, the pak0.pk3 file from your Team Arena CD into the missionpack directory.

One Observer, Retro, posted the following from Id programmer Graeme Divineis .plan file in the TMO Forums:

A new Mac OS X 1.29f Beta is in the process of being posted to the id ftp site.

This fixes some os the issues related to the slow sound code in the first release, many of you had written that timedemos were much faster with sound off than on (more than to be expected).

The filename is quake3-macosx-129f-2.dmg

Iim now working on the Classic release.

You can find more information, including links to the latest version, at the Quake 3 Arena Web site.