Stroll Down Apple's Memory Lane At

If youive ever wondered what Apple was like during its infancy, a taste of that history can be found at, a project that currently offers 70 anecdotes of companyis earlier days and the development of the Mac.

The majority of the content is currently penned by Andy Hertzfield, who started at Apple in August 1979, and who maintains the site. Driven by a custom database that Mr. Hertzfield plans to release freely for others to use later this year, Folklore features 22 categories of stories from Hardware Design to The Launch.

Ever wonder why the original Mac had the signatures of its developers inside of the case? Did you know that a prototype Mac 512K was used to introduce the original Mac?

Mr. Hertzfeld plans to continue adding sories indefinitely, and readers can offer their own recounts of early experiences with Apple. Even if you were not part of Appleis early years you can share comments on any of the stories featured on the site. And be sure not to miss the image gallery.

In the future, will feature additional projects to the original Macintosh. For the time being, however, itis a mecca for those of us who bleed in six colors and drink the kool-aid.