USA Today's Steinberg Says Yes to Business iMacs

U SA Today has published an article by Mac author Gene Steinberg titled "The Mac a business machine? Better believe it!" Mr. Steinberg thinks businesses should shed many of their long held and very wrong notions of what a Mac is and view the new iMac for what it can do for them. From the article:

...Consider the new iMacis butter-smooth floating display, which makes it simple to configure the screen the way you want. Wouldnit that work well in a business environment too, where comfort ought to help fuel productivity?...

Several years ago, for example, a neighbor asked me to help tune-up the Macs at her office. She works for a dentist as office manager, and the establishment was all Mac, using a special program to handle accounting and scheduling.

Sure enough, you can run a wide variety of businesses strictly on a Mac. When the movie Titanic was busy racking up record production costs, the cost overruns were tracked on Macs. Legal offices, libraries, entertainment companies and more can be run strictly with Macs.

Check out Mr. Steinbergis full article at the USA Today Web site.