Welcome To The New Millennium (For Real, This Time)

Welcome to the new year, the new century, and the new millennium. Itis real this time too (for a very good explanation of how this whole year-thing works, read an excellent piece by Charles Moore), as opposed to last year which was actually the last year of the century and the previous millennium. That sounds kind of fun, doesnit it? The previous millennium? Something else that sounds fun is that we know this will be the best millennium yet for Mac users!

But seriously folks, everyone at The Mac Observer wants to thank you and every other Observer that has made us what we are today. We have worked very hard for the last year, and we will be working harder than ever during the next. We have some changes in store for you, and we think you will like them. Most of them at least, this marks the last day that Wes George will be with us, but more on that later today when his Apple Trader column comes out (tease). We will also be making some changes to the Web site that should make it much more easy for you to use.

Oh, and one more thing (with apologies to Steve Jobs). MACWORLD San Francisco 2001 starts next week, and there is little doubt that this will be the most exciting MACWORLD to date. We expect to see some exciting things coming out of Cupertino and the rest of the Mac world too, if our in box is any indication. So sit back and get ready for a very exciting year from The Mac Observer!