Why Does Fridge Poetry Always End Up Dirty?

Stick Software has released a new app for Mac users, Issa 1.0. Issa is a vitrual "refrigerator poetry" simulator designed to replace the arcane poetry displays of the past. The app ships with export to Web support for sharing with other struggling artists. According to Stick Software:

Today, Stick Software released version 1.0 of Issa, a fun new OS X application that provides you with a virtual "fridge poetry" set just like the magnetic set you probably have on your own fridge. Issa is better, though; you can change fonts, styles and colors, use different word lists tailored to your poetic needs, and export your finished poems as text, HTML or images to share with your friends or post on the Web.

Youill never need your fridge again... except to store food.

You can find more information about the Issa release at the Stick Software Web site. Issa 1.0 is available as shareware for US$10.00.