Wincent Looks Back At NeXT, Rapsody, And Return Of Jobs

Our good friend Wincent Colaiuta has posted a truly entertaining and enlightening article over at The piece, a complete reprint of a 1997 Austrailian MacWorld article, details Appleis purchase of NeXT, Jobsi return to the company, and lays out the principles of Rhapsody, the OS and ideas that would eventually become Mac OS X 10.0.

The article details the original Blue Box idea, which has become the Classic environment, and the Yellow Box concept, which is now the "space" for OS Xis Cocoa built applications. According to

How many of us can remember Appleis promises for Rhapsody? Can you remember when we were told it was going to ship? Do the terms "Premier" and "Unified" ring any bells? Recall hearing about the "Blue Box" and the "Yellow Box" for the first time?

I think those of us who have been pining for Mac OS X for years will appreciate the stroll down memory lane that I am about to present. In cleaning up some old magazines recently my eyes settled upon a copy of the March 1997 issue of Australian MacWorld, which boasts as its cover story, "Mac OS: The NeXT Generation - Apple acquires a company, a new OS, and Steve Jobs".

For a very entertaining read of the entire 1997 Australian MacWorld article, visit the Web site.