ml iPod Plug-In Lets Windows Users Use Winamp Instead of iTunes

As reported by Wired News, thereis a new version of the plug-in ml iPod available. ml iPod enables iPod owners to bypass iTunes and use Winamp to manage their music instead, but itis available only for Windows. It offers several advantages over iTunes, including the ability to use operating systems dating back to Windows 98 and the option to download music from the MP3 player to a computer, something that Apple doesnit set up the iPod to do. On the Mac side, there are several utilities that can copy music from an iPod to a Mac.

However, users canit purchase music at the iTunes Music Store through Winamp, and they need to download software from the Hymn Project to strip the digital rights management (DRM) from songs purchased at the iTunes Music Store if they want to move them to Winamp. ml iPod version 1.2, which was released on Monday, offers autofill for iPod shuffles, advanced naming of files copied to the iPod and several performance improvements and bug fixes.