Vodafone Lets a White iPhone 4 Slip Out the Door

British Apple iPhone 4 carrier Vodafone accidentally let a white iPhone 4, according to a customer who sent photos and information about the sale to Engadget. The problem was allegedly an inventory control issue that resulted in a white iPhone 4 box being sold as a black unit, which was followed by an internal corporate command to halt all sales of those boxes “until next week.”

All of which, of course, suggests that the seemingly mythical white iPhone 4 is set to go on sale next week. Apple said on April 15th that it would, at last, begin shipping the device this Spring, and next week is as good as any other time “this Spring” to do so.

Engadget has a photo of the boxed and shrinkwrapped white iPhone 4, a photo that certainly appears to be legit. However, there have been almost as many rumors about the white iPhone as there were about Verizon getting the iPhone, so we would not recommend holding your breath waiting for this one to be any more true than the scores of others over the last 9 months.

And, just because we feel we have to: Talk about an easeter egg!