Borat Creator Channels Apple Keynote to Launch New Character

Sacha Baron Cohen has channeled Apple's fabled keynote to promote his newest movie, The Brothers Grimsby. In the promo video, Mr. Cohen—best known for his characters Borat and Ali G.—tells an appreciative audience about a new character with 12 percent more likability than "the Borat" and 15 percent more idiotic than "the Ali G." Largely channeling the cadence and rhythm of Sir Jony Ive, Mr. Cohen says, "We've created a very thin veneer of satire and plot that's so thin, that it's actually the smallest and lightest and most confusing plot that's ever been released from a major studio."  As with all things Sacha Baron Cohen, some parts are sure to offend someone, but I think it's the best Apple keynote spoof to date. I'm using the tweet announcing the video to embed it because that version is mostly censored. There's an uncensored version on YouTube if you'd prefer "25 percent more expletives."

Check It Out: Borat Creator Channels Apple Keynote to Launch New Character