Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk Want Funding for a Comedy

Hey Browncoats, Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk are making a new series called Con Man, and they want your help funding it. ZOMG, it also involves Gina Torres, Felicia Day, Seth Green, and James Gunn. Oh, and it's going to have a spaceship. That's because it's about a guy (Alan Tudyck) who starred in a SciFi show with another guy (Nathan Fillion), only the show got canceled...too soon. Since then, Nathan Fillion's character has gone on to fame and fortune, while Alan Tudyck's character has not. If that's not a premise rife with comedic possibilities, I don't know what comedic possibilities are. They are looking to crowd-fund some of the budget for the show through Indiegogo. With 24 days left to go, they've raised more than US$2 million, five times their intial goal. And funding options include super awesome cool perks for fans. The trailers alone are hilarious. Check it out and give generously so I can watch this great show! Please?

Check It Out: Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk Want Funding for a Comedy