Predator Digital Clock Displays Predator Time on Your iPhone and iPad

OK, I have no idea how to read this, but I don't care. It's cool. It's an app for your iPhone that displays time in the language of Predator. Appropriately called Predator Digital Clock, you can choose to display the time in either a 12 hour or 24 hour timer, as well as seconds, the date, and day of the week. Since we all know that even Predators have to get up and go to work, you can also create alarms and timers. The clock's colors are customizable, as are the buttons, and you can adjust the luminosity of the screen. Come on, that's just fun! Predator Digital Clock is priced at $1.99 and it's available now from the App Store, and it's a hybrid app for iPhone and iPad.

Check It Out: Predator Digital Clock Displays Predator Time on Your iPhone and iPad

Predator Digital Clock Displays Predator Time on Your iPhone and iPad