Download An 80 MB QuickTime Movie Of Steve Jobs' iBook Presentation

by , 4:20 PM EDT, May 3rd, 2001

Observer Justin came through for us again today by alerting us to an 80 MB QuickTime movie of Steve Jobs' presentation of the iBook, Mac OS X 10.0.2, and the Henrico County Public School purchase of 23,000 of the iBooks. It's a big download, but it beats the pants off of the C|Net offered RealVideo version of the same event. It is a very good presentation reminiscent of a MACWORLD keynote without so much cheering and applause. Mr. Jobs does manage to win a few laughs here and there, however. The video also offers you a great way to see more of the iBook in the context of real people. Apple passed around several of the new units to the attending journalists for their inspection (something else you don't see at a MACWORLD keynote :-).

Steve Jobs made the presentation on Tuesday, May 1st, to a crowd of mainstream journalists. You can download the video from Apple's Web site (direct link). Thanks to Observer Justin for the heads up!