Xmas Presents...For Yourself!
November 13th, 2003

HINT: New computer users may be unfamiliar with some of the terms used in this column. If you come across something you are unfamiliar with you may go to the Computing With Bifocals Index for help.

OK people, so it is November already. You have finished your holiday shopping haven't you? I mean, it is alright if you don't have everything wrapped yet, but I hope you have finished shopping for everyone else. Well yes, of course mine is done. It is always done by now. I like to have it wrapped and ready to go under the tree by Thanksgiving so I can relax and enjoy all the other parts of the holidays. OK, OK, so I'm a Virgo and suffer from the Virgo curse. I also get everywhere on time, too, but that is not the point. The point is to take care of everyone else so you can leave time to find the perfect present for yourself.

I am a firm believer in giving myself a present at the holidays. Who deserves it more? Who is the one who worked hard all those years and earned the money that is paying for my retirement and all the presents for everyone else? Me, that's who; and probably you, too. So give some serious thought as to what you should give yourself this year. Following are some Mac related suggestions -- expensive and modest. Reader suggestions are welcome and will be included in future columns.

Things That Are Fun

Solitaire Till Dawn for OS 7, 8, and 9 or X.
Available as shareware download only and available for US$20 for version OS 7, 8, and 9 and US$24 for OS X, from the makers, Semicolon Software as well as other software download sites. This is a well crafted Mac-only game that offers 50 different versions of Solitaire.

The FlyFan by Kensington.
This nifty little fan comes on a short, bendable cable that plugs into any USB port (such as the ones on your keyboard if your computer is an iMac or newer). When plugged in, it blows cool air. The fan "blades" are made out of some kind of nylon fabric-like material, so there is no danger of getting cut. There are no batteries and the battery drain on a laptop is minimum according to the Kensington Web site. You can find then at most electronic stores, and on the Kensington Web site. I have also seen them on eBay. You can buy it from Amazon.com for US$9.99, and if you use our link, TMO will get a commission.


Things That Are Cool

An Optical Mouse
If your Mac is current enough to have a USB port on the computer, keyboard, etc. (it will be if you have an iMac or later), then you can use a digital mouse. You will love it. Never have to clean a gummy mouse ball again. You don't even have to have a mouse pad if you don't want one, although I find I like having one of the paper-thin kind for my digital mouse. You can get them in small and large sizes to fit all hand sizes. They come designed for left or right-handed users. Some include scroll wheels in the middle. They include at least two buttons on top and many have side button options as well.

I find that I really like having a two-button mouse. You can get travel size for laptops with retractable connection cords as discussed in my last column. They are available in your local computer stores and on-line and most are compatible with both Macs and PCs so you have lots of choices. I have found them on the Internet ranging in price from US$14.95 up to a couple hundred US dollars. For personal use you can get a fine optical mouse in the US$50 range. Amazon.com has the Microsoft Intellimouse Optical for US$23.94.

An iPod
I am at a bit of a disadvantage here because I don't have an iPod and I have never seen one work. However, if I were not retired I would have gotten one when they first came out so I could have it while at work. I love music. I have been singing since I could talk. But I live in a one bedroom condo. I can hear my music wherever I am when I am home. I don't need to carry it with me. If you are a music lover and you don't stay in one place very much then consider treating yourself. There will be plenty of Mac users eager to help you get acquainted with your new toy. You can find them on-line at the Apple Store or your local electronics stores that carry Apple products. Check our all the other vendors we have affiliate relations with, as well.

Serious Mac Stuff

The Newly Released MAC OS X 10.3, also known by the code name Panther.
It is available at your local Mac retail outlet and from the online Apple Store for US $129. There is also a family pack available for US $199 for 5 licenses. I have only been using Panther for a couple of weeks so I am not ready to talk about it seriously, yet. However, you can go to the Apple OS X site http://www.apple.com/macosx/ and watch a video that covers all the new (150) features.

If you are already using OS X, your transition will be seamless. You will just have to get up to speed on all the new features. Remember, the whole point here is to treat yourself. You deserve the new features.

An eMac.
An eMac is sort of a middle of the road machine that offers a lot of options without being quite as expensive as an iMac. They actually start around US $799 and feature a 17-inch flat CRT display, a G4 processor and the new Panther operating system mentioned above. You can burn CD's and DVD as well. Even if you are a new user and don't know exactly what all that means, it can be a great machine to start with because as your skills grow the tools you need will be available. I know a couple of families who are getting eMacs for their mother's for Christmas presents. The eMac can be purchased from the Apple Store or from your local retail electronic stores that carry Apple products.

You can find refurbished deals on our DealsOnTheWeb.com site, as well.

Things That You Can Get When Your Investments Are Doing REALLY Well

The new 17-inch PowerBook G4.
This laptop is 1-inch thick and features the largest, most spectacular display ever to grace a portable (to quote Apple -- I never wax that poetic unless I am discussing my children). It weighs 6.9 pounds and starts at US$2,999. I haven't a clue where it stops. I guess that is up to you.

Lets don't forget your environment either. How about this little set up for your work station? This will set you back two or three thousand dollars but there will be plenty of space for that new 1-inch laptop, won't there?

Joking aside. When planning your holiday giving, remember to give something to yourself as well as to others. If you have good gift ideas please e-mail me. Your ideas may appear in my next column.