Default Folder Keeps Your Mac In Order
Default Folder 2.9.3 ($25 Shareware)
St. Clair Software

Another feature of the Mac OS that hasn't seen significant change over the years is the standard file Open and Save As dialogs. In today's age of monster hard drives, with folks storing more files than ever, it can become a real chore using these dialogs to access the folders and files you want.

Default Folder adds new menus to these dialogs to allow easier navigation. The first of these menus can contain both specific folders, or favorites, which you would like to appear each time you use it, as well as a list of the most recently accessed folders. The second menu will let you add the current folder to your favorites, open the current folder in the Finder, create a new folder within the currently shown folder, and rename or trash a folder. The third menu allows you to select any currently mounted volume.

In addition to changes to the open and save dialog boxes, Default Folder also enhances the behavior of the Finder. If you have one of these dialogs open and then click on a folder visible in the Finder, the current folder in the dialog will switch to the one you clicked on. You can also ask the currently selected file to rebound to the last used file in that particular folder.

To add to the fun, Apple recently added a new feature to Mac OS called Navigation Services which presents a new, improved Open and Save As dialogs. It still doesn't add the wealth of features that Default Folder does, but never fear, a beta of Default Folder that will also enhance these dialogs is also available.

Useful Links

Default Folder Release

Default Folder Beta

Default Folder Adds New Menus to the Open and Save As Dialogs