Universal Saver Offers System-Wide Auto Save
Monday June 14th, 1999 

Hi's Universal Saver 1.6.0 ($10 Shareware)
Hiram C. Wilson

If you've ever lost hours of work due to a power glitch, someone tripping over a power cord, or your system bombing after installing that last piece of beta software, you know the value of saving your documents. When on a deadline (like now) or during a creative burst, you may forget to save. Although some applications have auto-save built in, you have to go digging around in each one of them. Wouldn't it be nice if an auto-save were available in every application?

Hi's Universal Saver accomplishes just this feat. Once you install the package, which consists of an application (placed in your Startup Items folder) and an extension called Menu Events, restart your system. After rebooting, you can register, configure, or start saving. The default is to save from any application, and to do so at 5 minute intervals.

If you would like more control, you can either enable only specific applications to allow the auto-save feature, or disable auto-save in specific applications. You can also choose between a silent save, or to have a dialog displayed at intervals. This dialog gives you the last save time, and the option to save or not save.

To complete the package, you can opt to have the Finder up front after running Hi's Universal Saver, and indicate that you paid. If you pay, you can choose not to display the startup dialog, permitting totally unobtrusive operation.

Don't wait until you suffer the anguish of losing your work. Save your work first, then check out Hi's Universal Saver!

Useful Links

Hi's Universal Saver Home Page

AWOL Software Productions (makers of Menu Events)

Set All Options in a Single Dialog

A Handy Reminder Dialog with Last Saved Document and Time