Gestalt.appl Tells You All About Your Mac
Monday May 17th, 1999

Gestalt.appl 2.7.9 (Freeware)
Jean-Pierre Curcio

The Gestalt Manager is a feature of Mac OS that has been present since System 6. It provides a software interface that developers can use it to discover specific information about the current system. Well-written software uses the Gestalt Manager to verify that certain features are present on the current system, rather than making assumptions about what hardware or software is available.

Gestalt.appl provides a way for non-programmers to find out what selectors are present, and the value of each one. You can choose to display either active selectors, or all selectors. Inactive selectors can provide information about features on other Mac models, or system software components that are no longer used.

Having a way to view the values of these selectors is pretty cool, but the additional information that is provided with each entry makes Gestalt.appl particularly useful. General information about a selector is normally displayed, but if you pass the cursor over a selector element and press the mouse button, information specific to that element is displayed.

Oddly, a home page for this title could not be found, but you can download it from any popular Mac shareware site like the Info-Mac Archive or It can serve the needs of both those who are curious about their system, as well as budding software developers.

Useful Link

Gestalt Manager Information from Apple

Tons of Useful Information About Hardware and Software in Your Mac