August 16th, 1999

[3:15 PM]
Holy Dropping Drawers, Batman!
Sig Software announced today the second public beta of Drop Drawers, their utility that ads customizable, tabbed drawers to the Mac interface. According to Sig Software:

Drop Drawers is a revolutionary user-interface enhancement which provides floating pullout, snap-shut drawers on the sides of your screen to store text, URLs, aliases, pictures, sounds, movies and anything else.

Some genuine comments received from testers of the first beta :

"While trying DropDrawers, I felt as if I was beta testing Mac OS 12"

"You guys, with one little utility have rendered the Scrapbook, the Clippings, the tabbed folders, the Launcher, the Stickies and even the Clipboard... OBSOLETE"

"It's just the sort of thing that ought to catch Apple's attention and be integrated into their core OS"

Information in a drawer can be worked with. For example, styled text can be edited, applications and folders can be dragged onto, URLs can be opened and sounds and movies can be played.

Public Beta 2 adds dozens of new features including live application and folder icons, QuickTime previewing, a built-in styled text editor, item naming, more colors and tab styles, more sophisticated arranging, undo and full help.

Drop Drawers is downloadable shareware, with interactive screenshots available as well.

The Mac Observer Spin: It's forward thinking folks like Sig Software that keep the Mac so much fun to use! And on top of that, this little gem is actually useful!

Sig Software