This Story Posted:
February 22nd


[7:30 AM]
German Magazinames Apple Environmentally "Good"
Update: This story originally reported that Apple was named Satisfactory, while in actuality the artice says that Apple was rated as "Good." We apologize for the mistake and appreciate the many Observers who wrote in with the correction. Thanks to all of you.

We received a note from an Observer telling us about an article in German Magazine c't.


I am sending this to several Macintosh related web sites for your information and possible comments. It is also being sent to a nonprofit tech support mailing list that I have recently joined.

I was surfing around and visited the c't website to see what they have for english pages and read the [article about Computer toxins]. I've pasted the last two paragraphs of the sidebar below about companies that are following ecologically friendly manufacturing. Apple is included in the friendly list, while IBM, Compaq, Comtech, Yamuko, Gateway, Schadt, Hewlett-Packard, Dell and PC-Spezialist are listed as being somewhat non-friendly.

Don't know if Apple going to outsourcing for iMac production will change this or not, but it is something to think about. I am not a raging environmentalist, but what do we gain with technology if it kills us?

Reginald Wagner"

The article has lots of technical explanations of toxins and other chemicals, and many readers will find it educational. Go to the c't article and read it for yourself. The sidebar that proclaims Apple to be "Environmentally Satisfactory" is at the bottom of the page.

Read The c't Article