This Story Posted:
March 24th


[11:41 AM]
Mac Java Development Tool Updated
GenieWorks has announced an update to SpotCheck, bringing the java code editor/browser to version 1.2. According to GenieWorks:

SpotCheck is the Java editor that really knows the Java language, analyzing your code as you work, providing ongoing feedback about "compiler" errors, and maintaining full-time, "live" cross-reference links for all identifiers.

Version 1.2 contains many improvements. Most important is support for ANY 3rd party class libraries... now your code can be "SpotChecked" against any JAR or ZIP archive in your MRJClasses folder. This means that SpotCheck 1.2 can grow with you, as new releases of MRJ, JDK, Swing, etc. appear. Furthermore, the contents of MRJClasses are quickly indexed at startup, allowing you to "surf" those libraries using SpotCheck's usual name links.

SpotCheck 1.2 also has a new syntax-coloring scheme that helps you read code more effectively, by providing easy-to-see distinctions between package, class, method, and field names. In addition, you can now set the colors as you see fit.

SpotCheck 1.2 requires a PowerPC Macintosh, MRJ 2.0 or better, and at least 12M of RAM.

SpotCheck is priced at US$20 and GenieWorks offers a demo at their web site.
