November 3rd, 1999

[3:15 PM] AboutFace! New App Eases Font Selection
by Staff

FIDIM Interactive, which stands for "Fine! I'll Do It Myself," has released a new tool for Mac users to select their fonts. The new app is called AboutFace and allows users to preview their fonts at any time. According to FIDIM Interactive:

Does this sound familiar? You're trying to decide on a font to use for something. Select the font menu, scroll, pick one. Nope. Select the font menu, scroooooooll, pick one. Nope. Select the font menu, scrooooooooooooooooooll, pick one. Live with it because you don't want to scroll anymore. Well now FIDIM Interactive has a tool that will help you find just that one font you want that you know you have but can't seem to put your cursor on. AboutFace 1.0 is a new shareware program that lets you quickly and easily scan through your fonts. A demo version is available for download at

You can find more information on AboutFace at the company's web site. Currently, the free demo is available. Purchasing through Kagi will be available soon and pricing will be announced at that time.

The Mac Observer Spin: This might get the prize for Best Name For A Software Developer. You have to admire the attitude behind "Fine! I'll Do It Myself" Interactive. :-)

FIDIM Interactive