6 macOS Catalina Features Not Announced on Stage

We saw a preview of some macOS Catalina features on stage, but Apple didn’t have time to cover them all. On the preview page we see a full list of features coming. Here are some that stuck out to me.

macOS Catalina Features

macOS Catalina features

  1. Dedicated system volumemacOS Catalina runs in a dedicated, read-only system volume — which means it is completely separate from all other data, and nothing can overwrite your critical operating system files.
  2. Approving app installations: Unlock a locked note, approve app installations, unlock settings in System Preferences, and modify root files, all with your Apple Watch.
  3. One place for your Apple ID account details: Now you can access all your important Apple ID account information right from System Preferences on your Mac.
  4. New relationship labels in Contacts: Contacts now includes hundreds of new, more specific relationship labels to help you manage your contact list. Examples include “younger cousin” and “elder cousin.”
  5. Third-party cloud service integration: An all-new FileProvider API for cloud storage providers delivers a new way to seamlessly integrate their services into the Finder without requiring a kernel extension, helping to maintain the security of your Mac. Cloud storage providers can now deliver their apps through the Mac App Store.

  6. Restore from snapshotIf your third-party software is incompatible with an update you just installed, use macOS Recovery to restore from a snapshot of your computer taken right before the installation. macOS and all your apps will work just as they did before you installed the update.

Further Reading:

[WWDC19: Here’s the List of macOS Catalina Device Support]

[RIP Bash: macOS Catalina Will Set Z Shell as Terminal Default]

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