QuickTime Video Inside The New Apple Store

Uh oh! Whatis this? It turns out you are *still* in that line that stretches 3 times around the Mall of America! Or maybe you live in Oklahoma where there isnit much chance that you will get an Apple Store within a dayis drive. Maybe you just canit get to one of the locations that actually is near you. Whatever the case, Observer André Benassi (known as Retro in the TMO forums) comes through yet again with this panoramic view inside the Apple Store itself. Itis the next best thing to being there.

The movie is 16 seconds in length, with a total file size of 631K.

Inside The Mall of America Apple Store
<embed src=”https://homepage.mac.com/tmo12/.Movies/StorePanorama.mov” width=”260″ height=”200″ autoplay=”true” controller=”true” cache=”true”></p>

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