Rumbling with Gatekeeper — Mac Geek Gab 870

Apple’s protective engines usually do well at protecting our devices, but what happens when they go haywire? It’s time to Rumble, that’s what, and John and Dave are here to help! Listen as they answer your questions, share Cool Stuff Found, push out the Quick Tips and make it easy to learn at least five new things this week!

Trimming the iPhone App Fat — Mac Geek Gab 869

What’s the best way to remove all those iPhone apps you downloaded once and never use anymore? Listen as John and Dave answer this and many other helpful questions to make your electronic lives easier! Extending an iMac’s life, calibrating your TV, fiber internet, and more are the subjects your two favorite geeks dig through. Add in some Cool Stuff Found and you’re guaranteed to learn at least five new things just from pressing play!

Not-So-Silent Ringing — Mac Geek Gab 866

Sometimes your iPhone’s silent, and sometime it’s not. But what about when it decides what to do, not you? That’s when you call John and Dave! Or you can email them. Or you can text them. Or you can post in the forums. Either way, they’ll answer your questions and try to help solve your problems. Listen to all your questions answered, Cool Stuff Found and Quick Tips shared, and you’re guaranteed to learn at least five new things hanging out with your two favorite geeks!