Daedalus Capital Founder, Stephen Coleman, thinks Appleis special position in the technology industry is going to carry the companyis stock on an upward wave for some time to come. In fact, he predicts at SeekingAlpha that wave will take Appleis stock value up to US$200 before the end of 2007.
He commented "We know that excellence is on the way. We buy without pause. That is why Apple Inc. is going to deliver outstanding results this year and why the stock will hit $200 per share."
To back up his claim, Mr. points out that the iPod is selling with a 50 percent year-over-year growth rate, Mac sales for January 2007 are up 100 percent compared to January 2006, and Appleis retail stores are selling $4,000 per square foot. Looking forward, the release of Apple TV, and the upcoming release of Mac OS X 10.5 and the iPhone are likely to add a healthy sum to Appleis bottom line.
"When the iPodis 50 percent growth rate is combined with the 100 percent growth rate in the MacTel computers, you have enough positives to nearly double Appleis earnings," he said. "With the iPhone, Apple TV and OS X Leopard, the expectations for Apple near future have never been higher."
How high? Mr. Coleman predicts Apple will be the first company to achieve a one trillion dollar market cap, and the company will hit that mark within the next five years.
Apple is currently trading at $93.59, up 0.68 (0.73%).
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